The American Heart Association Northeast Affiliate is awarding Frankie Boyer, Host of “The Frankie Boyer Show” the Best Radio Series Award for her “Heart Healthy Wednesdays” feature. Boyer was chosen from a field of competitors from across New England and New York State. This prestigious honor reaffirms Boyer’s commitment as a bridge between alternative and allopathic medicine, with her positive message on holistic health, fitness and the anti-aging process.
Frankie Boyer created “Heart Healthy Wednesdays” to educate, motivate and empower her listeners to become active participants in the fight against heart disease. To accomplish this personal mission, Boyer provides her national audience with the full gamut of information from leading experts, in cardiac care, nutrition, research and development. In addition, Boyer dispenses a hearty dose of real life challenges as told by heart patients and their families.
This is the second time the American Heart Association Northeast Affiliate has honored Boyer for her continued on-air cardiac education. Earlier this year, the American Heart Association-Northeast Affiliate, honored Boyer for her outstanding work educating the public about Heart Disease and Stroke.
The Frankie Boyer Show can be heard daily on The Langer Broadcasting Network 650 AM Monday through Friday from 2 - 4 pm EST, Weekdays 11-noon on WBIX 1060 am and nationally over CRN Networks via cable systems in 43 states and worldwide on the Internet.